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「Save Your Candies」, Hinting At Double XP Event

  • alphaC

  • 03-01

Over the weekend, Pokemon GO won the award for the “Best Mobile Game of 2016” at the D.I.C.E (Design, Innovate, Communicate, Entertain) summit in Las Vegas. This is a big achievement for the game, for sure, but we’re more focused on the cryptic message a Niantic employee told reporters at the event.

In a post IGN made to their Snapchat, you can see two Niantic employees giving a pief interview about the award they had received, and right at the end, the male employee tells players to “save your candies”. Why do we need to save our candies? Could it be that a double XP event is on the way?


Yes, a double XP event would make sense. Niantic have given us a double XP event in the past, and it’s been months since then, so surely it’s about time for another one? Some players, however, aren’t so sure, and think the employee’s message might be referring to something else entirely.

Ability to re-roll movesets? Oh please, let it be,” says Reddit user Boobermonkey. Another Reddit user had this to say: “I have a feeling it’s trading, and trading will cost candy. Edit: Just realized, it might also be peeding?


As you can see in the video above, there is definitely something going on here. A double (or even a triple, who knows) XP event is probably the safest bet, but it could also be a reference to a new game mechanic that will require candy, such as trading or peeding (or even something else).

If it is a double XP event, however, the question must be asked: When will it happen? The next obvious event would be an Easter event, but due to the symbolic nature of eggs, that will probably be based around hatching eggs, and not double XP.



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