1. 聊話題
  2. 網路新奇
  3. 不可思議


  • Karen

  • 09-27

身高問題是很多人的困擾,不少人都想長得更高一些,美國密西根州19歲男孩Broc Brown卻不一樣。他目前的身高已經達到230公分,並且還在以每年15公分的速度長高。

照此來算,不必到一年的時間,他的身高就會超過246公分,超越現在的金氏紀錄保持者Sultan Kosen,成為世界最高的人。

*** EXCLUSIVE ***Broc aged 8 months. PHOTOGRAPH BY Ruaridh Connellan / Barcroft USA UK Office, London. T +44 845 370 2233 W www.barcroftmedia.com USA Office, New York City. T +1 212 796 2458 W www.barcroftusa.com Indian Office, Delhi. T +91 11 4053 2429 W www.barcroftindia.com





***CONDITION OF USAGE: The following plug must be used in print and/or online: Holly's story will be featured in 'Tallest Teens¿ at 10 pm ET on TLC (USA only), Monday 18th July*** ***EXCLUSIVE*** FLORIDA, USA - 2016: Broc Brown and mum Darci Elliott WITH blonde hair, a wide smile and incredibly long legs Holly Burt should have no problem finding a date, however, the 21-year-old is struggling to find love due to her extreme height. Standing 6 ft 5 tall, Holly¿s legs are an astonishing 49 and ¿ inches. Holly said: ¿I would definitely say I¿ve got the longest legs in America.¿ ¿When people see me they¿re like ¿Oh my God!¿ Their jaw kinda hits the floor!¿ Holly¿s legs measure an astonishing 4 ft 2 ¿ the same height as an average eight-year-old. And despite of the leggy blonde¿s looks, Holly is single and looking for Mr Right - one that is not intimidated by her height. She said: ¿A hard worker, handsome and tall. That¿s all I¿m asking for.¿ Growing up in Neptune Beach, Florida, Holly admits she found it difficult seeing all her friends go on dates. She said: ¿It was pretty hard getting a boyfriend. Boys wouldn¿t necessarily come up to the girl who is taller than them. ¿It would be kind of tough watching all my friends go out on dates and I would usually just be a third wheel or something,¿ CONDITION OF USAGE: The following plug must be used in print and/or online: Holly's story will be featured in 'Tallest Teens¿ at 10 pm ET on TLC (USA only), Monday 18th July. PHOTOGRAPH BY Mel Crawford/Barcroft Productions London-T:+44 207 033 1031 E:hello@barcroftmedia.com New York-T:+1 212 796 2458 E:hello@barcroftusa.com New Delhi-T:+91 11 4053 2429 E:hello@barcroftindia.com www.barcroftimages.comMel Crawford/Barcroft Productions


*** EXCLUSIVE *** JACKSON, MI - JANUARY 22: Broc Brown with (L-R) his grandmother Joy Moss and his mother Darci Moss Elliot at his grandmother's house on January 22, 2016 in Jackson, Michigan. *GC* PHOTOGRAPH BY Ruaridh Connellan / Barcroft USA UK Office, London. T +44 845 370 2233 W www.barcroftmedia.com USA Office, New York City. T +1 212 796 2458 W www.barcroftusa.com Indian Office, Delhi. T +91 11 4053 2429 W www.barcroftindia.com





*** EXCLUSIVE *** JACKSON, MI - JANUARY 22: Broc Brown with (L-R) his grandmother Joy Moss and his mother Darci Moss Elliot at his grandmother's house on January 22, 2016 in Jackson, Michigan. *GC* PHOTOGRAPH BY Ruaridh Connellan / Barcroft USA UK Office, London. T +44 845 370 2233 W www.barcroftmedia.com USA Office, New York City. T +1 212 796 2458 W www.barcroftusa.com Indian Office, Delhi. T +91 11 4053 2429 W www.barcroftindia.com






*** EXCLUSIVE ***Broc aged 11 PHOTOGRAPH BY Ruaridh Connellan / Barcroft USA UK Office, London. T +44 845 370 2233 W www.barcroftmedia.com USA Office, New York City. T +1 212 796 2458 W www.barcroftusa.com Indian Office, Delhi. T +91 11 4053 2429 W www.barcroftindia.com





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